Why does it seem like July has come and gone already? I swear, last weekend was the 4th of July and all of a sudden I've got August booked with trips, weddings, work, and back to school planning. Where has summer gone!?
Anyway, I've been slacking (once again). My hiatus from blogging lasted a bit longer than I planned due to my busy-beeness (word? Now it is.). This past weekend was the long-awaited and dreaded State Elks tournament. It ended up not being so bad, apart from a few long-hour days and COLD weather. What's with Christmas in July? I showed up to drive the beer cart Friday morning at 8 in shorts and a t-shirt. My lips were literally blue by noon. I ended up changing into jeans and a fleece sweatshirt and still was freezing! As for the hours, I racked up 29 hours on the beer cart all weekend. The seniors and super-seniors played on Friday, so the beer drinking was kept to a minimum, hence, tips were lower, but Saturday...*long, plummeting whistle*, no complaints on tips! The younger crowd was definitely generous.
A few highlights from the weekend tournament:
1. Offered numerous drinks, took a few, including a SoCo Hurricane, which is heavenly. If you have not tried one, it is like drinking SweetTarts. The "Man In Black" that bought it for me also gave me a SoCo & Lime t-shirt, which I gave to Jason.
2. Saw a man with a hangover. And by hangover, I mean his stomach was hanging over his belt. He was wearing what I've been told to call a "fat boy shirt", one that buttons up all the way, and his stomach was clearly visible below the shirt. Probably the grossest thing I've ever seen.
3. OK, it wasn't at the tournament, but Sunday when I left the tournament, I saw a man pulling out of a gas station with his windows open and a chihuahua standing on his shoulders. When telling my dad this, he said the chihuahua would probably get sucked out once the guy started driving fast. I thought that was funny, haha. Funny padre.
The infamous Emden Homecoming was also this past weekend. I went Friday around 8:30 when I got out of work and met Jason at the Bulldog (bar, if you recall earlier post). We grabbed a corndog and fries and played a couple games of Bingo before resorting back to the beer tent at the Bulldog. It's always interesting to see who shows up; it's usually a lot of people I haven't seen since last year's Homecoming. Nevertheless, a good time. Saturday was more fun, though. Karaoke was a hit. I realize now that I never really did my own song. I just hung around whoever had the mic and rocked out if they handed it my way. Around 2AM everyone thought an MJ tribute would be a great idea. It was quite fun. Blaine, a kid from my high school class, and I did a glorious version of Billy Jean. Ask anyone there, it was terrible. It's hard to sing "hee hoo na na hee ha ow" off the teleprompter when tipsy and moon walking. Sounded easy at the time.
All in all, a great weekend, but I'm glad to be into this next week. I had the day off Monday, so I golfed with my friend, Marilyn Wheat, who is about 60 years old but looks 45. Yesterday (Tuesday) I worked 7-2 and it was slower than molasses. Brent and I played 15 holes after I got done working and it went decently. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, in which they'll ask me how often I floss, and when I tell them truthfully "maybe once a week" they'll punish me by making my gums bleed. I'll let you know how that goes.
Oh, Head Coach Nick had a softball party/cookout for our little Legal Eagles team, and we got our team pictures back, so here's that. Turned out alright! The girls look cute and well-behaved but don't let them fool you. They're crazy, wild animals that should be kept on leashes. OK, not really, but they are crazy.

For fun, I pulled out a picture of me when I played little league. Look at this little slugger!
I think I was a little young to play actually. I might've just been trying on my brother's hat and wanted to be official, "taking a knee" and all.
