Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chicago, here we come!

The last day of Jr. Elks is tomorrow. No wonder I can't sleep! Ok, so I'm not that excited for it to end, but it will be nice to be able to focus on my golf game for the rest of the summer, rather than that of the little tater tots' that don't really care if they hit the ball straight or in the hole for all that matters. It was nice for a while, but like every good book, it had to end. Tomorrow at noon I will watch those kiddies run to the pool, and I will be free! My plan is to head straight to the links and play, play, play. 

Sometime tomorrow I've got to squeeze in a workout on Wii Active. Jason's grandpa got the game for his grandma, and she said she'd never use it (although she did this morning, and said never again) so I decided to try it out. I always used to think those games were for people who weren't active in any other way, so I thought it would be easy for me. WOW, was I wrong. I made my profile and started a 30-day workout and have been doing my workouts on high intensity. I honestly am working out, to the point of fatigue! I can tell it's really working; I've already been checking out my hamstrings in the mirror, and I've only done it 4 days! (They hit the lunges hard.) They give you rest days and goals and tell you how many calories you've burnt. I don't think it matters that right after my workout I have a soda and a chocolate pudding cake. 

Another plan for my Thursday is another slowpitch Dirt Diva game. They're so much fun, even though they're not that intense. The real excitement is after the game, though, because my dear friend, Liz, is coming to the Burg! We've got a trip to Chicago planned for the weekend. We're seeing Mary Poppins with a bunch of girls in my family and hopefully Jersey Boys if we can score some tix Friday! Should be a grand weekend. We're staying at The Wit Hotel, which looks very modern and fun. (Just look at it!)I love Chicago and never want to leave when I'm there. I imagine this time won't be any different! So much to see, so much to do! Fun, fun, fun. Can't wait! Gotta get some shut eye! I'm sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities for next post, so check it out!

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