Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Google Me Green

I know, terrible headline. A bit of a play on "tickle me pink" me green? It should mean something with the environment - going green and all, but it doesn't. Google me til I'm green with envy of other Erin Semples? No, but anyway...give me a break. It's summer. Brain is half-off.

After being completely inspired by the Jessica Endaya, I just googled myself. Here's what I got. Erin Semple must be a common name because zero of the results have anything to do with me on the first page. The first four or so are social networking sites, a LinkedIn professional profile and some New York, NY facebook accounts. It's after these results that things start getting interesting.

Government security, the number of arrests in the Hollywood Entertainment District in LA, and  school shootings are a few of the headlines that stuck out to me. Unfortunately, I found that these were only topics I have written articles about. 

The one that really gets me is my artist page. Apparently I've been writing since the age of 12 and my songs are emotional and heart felt. Yeah, there's definitely another Erin Semple in this world.

I was a graduate of Waldwick High School in Waldwich, NJ in 1987, and then Pope High School in Marietta, GA in 2000. You can find me on

I'm getting married to Jesse Beck! Bet you've never met him.

Ok, so I'm not the most famous Erin Semple in the world, apparently. I did finally run across the real Erin Semple (me) on Google Page 2 of my search. Just some golf scores from some college tournaments. Anyway, it's nice to confirm that I do exist in the Google world, in case anyone were to search me.

For some laughs, I googled images under my name. The "Charm of the Farm" pic is my fave. I thought the little girl was "Erin Semple", so I started laughing because I live on a farm and could picture that being me if we had sheep when I was little, but turns out it's the article writer Erin Semple that took the picture. Unfortunate, really. I laughed some more, anyway. Oh, and there's a picture of a glass of beer. Just thought I'd throw that out there. That Erin Semple and I just might have something in common, too. :)

1 comment:

  1. This post was fun! You're the only Erin Semple that matters to me...
