Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to the Blog!

Finally! I get to blog in my own free time, whatever I want, and whenever I want. Last semester I was required to suffer through continuous projects all while blogging it publicly for the world to see. :\ However, the days of blogging for class have come and gone, for now at least, and I am starting a new semester.

This spring I am taking VisComm III: Web Design, Drawing III, Advanced Motion Graphics, and Principles of Marketing. 12 hours seems like such a small class load (ew, I don't like that word...load) but I've totaled up the number of hours I will actually spend in class per week and that number is very close to 21. Something's not right there. ANYway...

I've been working out and volleyball has started, so I'm feeling pretty good about being "up in the gym just a workin' on my fitness". The roomies and I started doing P90X, which is just a hardcore workout program that lets you choose from a bunch of different workouts. We've done kenpo cardio and the ab workout so far, and I know I'm definitely feeling it.

Gotta head out - I've got a marketing quiz to sign up online for...and then take. Eek.

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