This is a blog about hair. For all of those with similar experiences, I feel your pain. As for those who let their manes air-dry, don't worry about straightening, mousse, special concocted shampoo, or lots of bad hair days - I do not sympathize.
I love getting my hair cut, which I did last week. Just a little trim to get the dead ends off, ya know, but still, you can always tell that couple of inches is gone when you're shampooing. Your hand grabs for more hair, but it's gone - alright, you get it. I have quite a mane - a curly one at that, but this hasn't always been known. I used to hate my hair - it was wavy, and not the controllable, let-it-air-dry wavy. The wild, ratty, brush-gets-stuck, shampoo-condition-taming spray-blow dry-straighten-curl-hairspray kind of wavy. I found a way to control this craziness I call hair about three to four years ago; expensive shampoo/conditioner, lots of mousse, and the acceptance that I can never have bangs again. This on top of the knowledge that I do not control my hair - it will do as it pleases, it makes the rules.
Just as a little flashback, I'd like to go over a few of the things my hair has been through - or I should say, my hair has put me through that brought us to this day. Just so we're clear, keep in mind that my hair has won. I am beaten. It has conquered me. I now let it do as it pleases, except for the 4 times a year I straighten it against its will. I'm going to briskly go through the top 3 worst/dumbest things I have done with this hair. I am surprised it stuck around for all of this, but here we go...
#1 Curly hair does not need a perm to realize that it is curly. However, the perm will help bring out its inner-curliness. Back in 7th grade, I begged my mom to let me get a perm. Somehow, I had not realized that my hair was curly already. The chemicals during that perm really must have ticked those curls off though, because ever since that day, they have stuck around, whether welcomed or not. This was definitely my first hair mistake.
#2 Ah, 8th grade volleyball. We were young, I was into braids, and cornrows sounded like a great idea for volleyball pictures after taking runner-up at state. Never had I attempted more than 2 french braids; I thought I was pretty ghetto, I guess. Of course my best friend at the time had no problem putting 8 little braids in my hair - I threw in a picture for this one - couldn't leave it out.

#3 Christmas time, sometime around freshmen year of high school, seemed like the perfect time to throw some red highlights in my hair. Christmas cheer, maybe? Well, mom would never agree to pay for bright red highlights, and my friend Patty and I figured red kool-aid packets were the perfect substitution. If you've never done this before, it just takes some really hot water and a 10 cent packet of koolaid ground into your hair. Sure, it's a little choppy and white trash looking (especially at your church's Christmas dinner), but it fades within a week or so, and makes for a good story!
And so that concludes my hair blog; I've left out some of the hairy details. (Sorry, I had to.) Happy hair days to all, and to all a good night.